Where’s Drew, September 2017 Edition

Wait, what day is it again? It’s almost October? Holy crap! There’s been a lot going on these last few weeks, so I haven’t had too much time to blog or jot down all the things that are I’ve been up to (or will be doing). I just got back from overseas where I got to visit the amazing Chrissy and her wife, and then I spent some time in the UK leading up to SQL Saturday Cambridge. It took a few days to recover from that trip and get back into the groove at work, but now things are returning to normal. So, if you’re looking for things with my name on them for the remainder of this month, here’s what I have in store:

  • First and foremost, I’ll be blogging about my trip overseas and my experience at SQL Saturday Cambridge. I wrote about my wonderful trip to SQL Saturday Oslo last year, and this trip, while different, was just as wonderful. I’ll have a lot more to talk about once that post is finished, but here’s what you need to know: attend an international SQL Saturday sometime. It’s really remarkable to see what’s the same and what’s different.
  • Speaking of blog posts, now that we’ve hit the pause button on the HASSP project (but we’ll be going again, I assure you), I wanted to take a break and blog a little bit about SQL Server and Linux. I have a whopper of a blog post that I’ve revised almost a dozen times and it just isn’t right yet, but I hope to get it published before the end of the month. If you’re going to be using SQL Server on Linux, or what to start experimenting with it in your lab/test environments, you might want to have a look at it when it’s ready.
  • Oh and speaking of Linux SQL Servers, If you haven’t already make sure you check out the HASSP launch videos. We have an archive of the live stream we put together, plus footage from our side-facing and down-facing cameras.
  • If you live and/or work in the Boston area, I’ll be speaking in-person at the Boston SQL meeting on September 26th. I’ll be presenting on SQL Server Replication, and why it’s the technology loves to hate (except me, I love it). BostonSQL is the local PASS chapter for the city, and it’s run by Andy Mallon (who, by the way, should be someone you at least meet once).
  • Hot on the heels of my time in Boston, I’ll be coming home to SQL Saturday Pittsburgh. I’ll be giving my talk about SQL Server and PowerShell automation. Having grown up in south western Pennsylvania and graduated from the University of Pittsburgh, any chance I can get home I take. Plus, the SQL Saturday team there always does a great job.
  • And finally, don’t forget that the PASS Summit is coming up next month. I’ll be there, and my session is on Wednesday morning! I just finalized my travel and accommodations while I’m there. Unfortunately, due to some other family commitments I can’t stay the entire week, but I hope to run into any readers while I’m there. Make sure you say hello!

That’s it for now. As always, make sure you follow along here or on twitter if you want to learn more. Thanks!