Nonsense December 13, 2017 Keeping #sqlibrium: Looking back on what mattered most this year I am not just my technical content. I'm a human being, and here's what I thought were my biggest accomplishments this year. read more 6138 2 0
Nonsense November 15, 2017 The mountaintop: A PASS Summit 48 Hour Retrospective I attended the 2017 PASS Summit as both a first time attendee and speaker, which is the latest point on quite a journey. Here's how it went. read more 6986 12 0
Nonsense, SQL Saturday July 14, 2017 I’ve done how much? Looking back on community contributions It turns out that when you actually stop to write it all down, your community contributions can add up quick. read more 4104 2 0
Nonsense, PowerShell, SQL Saturday January 12, 2017 Where I’ll be: GroupBy, PASS PowerShell VC, and SQL Saturday Cleveland New year, new and exciting engagements! read more 3878 0
Nonsense August 11, 2015 SQL Saturday Indianapolis: Everyone remembers their first time (recap) Here's what happened when I decided to start speaking at SQL Saturday. read more 3024 0